This Week: Roses

Roses have always held a special place in my heart. My great grandmother's name was Rose and whenever I visited my Grandmother's house, hanging above the couch was a rose painting, done by my very talented Great Aunt. She painted her family tree as roses. Her mother (my great grandmother Rose) was the big pink rose and underneath the rose was a big rock which represented her father (my great grandfather Peter). Dark burgundy roses were for the boys in her family (my great uncles and grandfather) and the pink roses were for the girls in her family (my great aunts). To me the roses meant family and the painting always gave me a sense of love and warmth.

This week, I decided to photograph a rose. Roses are so beautiful and delicate and have many layers but they are also protective of themselves through the thorns on their stems. In this cold January weather I wanted to photograph something beautiful and warm. Here are the images I was able to capture with my camera, the natural window light created some great shadows and in some of the photographs the petals formed a sort of heart shape. Enjoy Everyone! I hope these bring a warmth and beauty to your eyes.