““I didn’t choose photography, photography chose me” - gerardo suter”
Hey There! Thank you so much for visiting my website! Feel free to look around and browse the huge collection of photographs I have created over the years. Let me tell you a little about myself.
I have always had a love for photography, growing up with an uncle as a photographer my family was always being photographed at family parties and weddings. I loved looking at photographs, my mom had this big bucket of pictures and I would always dump the pictures on her bed and study everyone’s face. I received my first camera at the age of 8 from my great aunt and from that point on I was hooked!
Having a background as a graphic designer, photography is always on my mind. My passion is fine art photography, I love capturing wildlife and landscapes, but I also enjoy taking portraits and wedding photography as well.
A photograph to me freezes a moment in time whether happy or sad. The thing I love most about photography is the joy I feel when I'm behind the camera creating and capturing beautiful images of my wonderful subjects.