My Top 16 Nature photos of 2016

Hello There,

Welcome to my very first Blog Post! Im so excited to start a Blog to showcase what I have going on in my Photography Life. 

Let me start by talking a little bit about myself. I have been photographing since I was about 8 years old. Before that I was busy studying images. My mom had this shoebox where she kept all our photographs, I remember climbing up on her bed and dumping the photographs and looking at all the memories and people. I loved looking at all the expressions and seeing relatives during the special moments in their lives. 

I received my first camera which was a disposable one, when I was around 8 years old. And thus my fate was sealed. Since then I have been photographing everything I could. Photography is my passion, I love photographing anything and everything. 

Since New Years is fast approaching, I decided to take a look back and showcase my Top 16 nature photographs of 2016. I was trying to narrow it down to 12 but decided not to because it was so hard to choose but I think I have a wide range of my personal favourites from this year. I hope you enjoy them and I wish you all a Happy New Year and a great 2017.